Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica
Friday nights on Sci Fi

Ok so a recap and catch up of the goings on on Battlestar Galactica. Last season ended with Starbuck returning after she appeared to have blown up in her ship. She shows up after 2 months but apparently only thinks she has been gone for 6 hours. Her ship has the same tail numbers, but appears to be brand new, off the factory floor brand new. No information in the computer either. She shows up with pictures of Earth and says that she knows how to get there. Of course she gets thrown in the brig. Hey, it’s what I would do. Adama doesn’t know whether or not he can trust her so he decides to give her her own ship and a volunteer crew and lets her set off in her own direction.
The 4 new cylons that were revealed in the finale are trying to figure out how to live in the fleet in secret and trying to continue to blend in. The president’s
aid is feeling freer with her new found self and has started to flirt with Chief Tirrrel. Calle (Tirrel’s wife) has gotten suspicious and finds out they are cylons. She is confronted by the aid in a launch tube with her baby and gets tricked into giving up the baby and then she is launched out the tube into space.
The Cylon fleet is having their own set of issues. Three of the models have waged a battle on the other set of three and each control half of the fleet. One side has control of the centurions (soldier cylons) and the other has control of the raiders (the ships). At the end of last weeks show the cylons went into full on war against each other and half the fleet was destroyed.

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