Friday, April 25, 2008

Lost Update

Ok so far in the season we are all thoroughly confused and the show is driving me nuts. First of all, will someone just kill Locke already? He is getting on my nerves and he just needs to die. Second, its one thing to present a question in the story and not have it answered for a few episodes, but when the question is blatantly asked and then ignored, that just sucks. Locke looked Ben straight in the face and asked about the smoke monster, and it was just ignored.
On a more hey things are getting done note, they are just killing people left and right. Ben’s daughter got whacked, it was one of those Ben thinks he is in control moments and then the world gets ripped out from under him. “I don’t love her, she’s not my daughter”, ok Boom, dead. It was a gripping moment.
On a grand scheme of things level we kind of get a
glimpse into what this whole thing is about. It’s a chess game between Ben and Penelope’s father. He had the island and Ben took it from him. Apparently they had rules in this game, they left each other’s family alone, the rules were broken with the killing of Ben’s daughter. Ben had pretty much done everything with his mind. Now it seems he is ready to play dirty. This should get good and as long as they keep the action and back off with the mind crap they will do well.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica
Friday nights on Sci Fi

Ok so a recap and catch up of the goings on on Battlestar Galactica. Last season ended with Starbuck returning after she appeared to have blown up in her ship. She shows up after 2 months but apparently only thinks she has been gone for 6 hours. Her ship has the same tail numbers, but appears to be brand new, off the factory floor brand new. No information in the computer either. She shows up with pictures of Earth and says that she knows how to get there. Of course she gets thrown in the brig. Hey, it’s what I would do. Adama doesn’t know whether or not he can trust her so he decides to give her her own ship and a volunteer crew and lets her set off in her own direction.
The 4 new cylons that were revealed in the finale are trying to figure out how to live in the fleet in secret and trying to continue to blend in. The president’s
aid is feeling freer with her new found self and has started to flirt with Chief Tirrrel. Calle (Tirrel’s wife) has gotten suspicious and finds out they are cylons. She is confronted by the aid in a launch tube with her baby and gets tricked into giving up the baby and then she is launched out the tube into space.
The Cylon fleet is having their own set of issues. Three of the models have waged a battle on the other set of three and each control half of the fleet. One side has control of the centurions (soldier cylons) and the other has control of the raiders (the ships). At the end of last weeks show the cylons went into full on war against each other and half the fleet was destroyed.

The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian

The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
Release Date: 05/16/08

The second movie from C.S. Lewis’ novels. The first was well done and they didn’t disappoint with the special effects and action. This one looks like it will follow suit and shouldn’t disappoint. From the preview it looks as though it gets down to the basics of what a great story is. The battle between good and Evil. Who will triumph who will be defeated? Of course good always wins, but it’s nice to watch the journey. I read the books of The Chronicles and this one was pretty good. It was a while ago though so that is probably a good thing seen as the movies never seem to follow the books to well. That should help with the expectations of the story. A must see, hopefully they have a midnight showing.

New Games Coming Soon

Wii Fit
Release Date 05/21/08

Alright this looks freakin awesome. There are those out there who seem skeptical about the awesomeness of this product. Nintendo is finding ways to incorporate the whole body into the game play. It started by getting your arms and shoulders into the game and now it is getting you off the couch and on your feet. The Wii Balance Board is going to incorporate your whole body. Whether you are standing on the board forward and skiing, rotating it sideways and snowboarding, or placing your hands on the board and doing push-ups. The Wii board is coming up with more and more creative ways of getting you into the game. What Nintendo has lacked on graphics they have made up for in innovation and creative game play. The board looks like it will be phenomenal if it lives up to the reactive abilities that the Wii remote has demonstrated. Definitely a must buy, if you plan on getting it though, make sure you pre-order it if you want any chance of getting it.

Mario Kart Wii
Release Date 04/27/08

Nintendo has been able to release a Mario Kart game for each of their systems starting with the SNES. Each one has built on the last with creative game play, excellent graphics, and different controls. With this Wii game you receive the Wii Wheel. A literal steering wheel that you put the Wii Remote in and it reacts like a normal steering wheel. With this you are able to tip it back to do wheelies and tip it forward to do jumps and with certain buttons it’s easier to drift and skid. The success of the game will depend on the ability for the wheel to respond to the drivers movements quickly and correctly. Otherwise the player will just end u
p frustrated. With the Wii Remote, boxing is great if you take slow methodical punches. If you try any faster the controller sensors couldn’t keep up. This is one I will be saving my money for and hope that it doesn’t disappoint.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

DVDs to look for

Clover Field
DVD Release Date 04/22/08
It was pretty awesome. When you first start watching it you get kind of pissed off and feel like you are going to throw up. After a while though you get over it and actually enjoy the movie. None of the good parts are during the throw up phase so no big deal. I took Dad to see this and he even liked it. Dad liking a movie is a pretty big thing, so just for that you should see it. Yeah it’s a great monster movie, plenty of humor, lots of action, a bunch of little creepy monsters and one freakin huge one. It doesn’t disappoint on special effects and it keeps you wrapped up in it all the way to the end. Definitely a must buy, or at the very least rent. 4 of 5 on the awesomeness scale

National Treasure: Book of Secrets
DVD Release Date 05/20/08
A well put together movie with its share of flaws but generally a good movie to watch. Feels like they kind of threw the story together in order to capitalize off the first one. It’s clever but not that clever. It will keep the kids entertained and it has its chare of history and when Nicholas cage acts drunk in Buckingham Palace, you pretty much want to pee yourself. Good Stuff. 3 of 5 on the awesomeness scale

Alien vs. Predator: Requiem
DVD Release Date 04/15/08
This movie picked up right after the last one left off. The spin on this one is that the new Alien has come from a predator. So you have the sweet looking dread locks of the predator mixed with the all around nastiness of the Alien. The movie is really dark, everything takes place at night and it’s hard to see a lot of the action. I’ve always been a fan of predator ever since Arnold, but this one seems lacking on the awesomeness scale. The predator still has his usual goals in mind, kill any kind of threat, control the outbreak of aliens, and maintain honor. Like any other predator movie though, the predator dies. Always seems to happen. Oh well. I will buy it cause I am nerd but I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone that aren’t specific fans of the series. 2 of 5 on the awesomeness scale

DVD Release Date 05/27/08This movie is a must see just for the plain fact that Stallone is like 80 and he can still pull off being a bad mama jamma. It’s a pretty bloody movie and pretty hardcore when it comes to the violence. They spare no expense on the language or on the amount of dead bodies they can pile up. Don’t see it if you are wanting to see a great movie, see it if you want to place bets on whether or not Stallone lives, the bad guys kill him, or if he falls over dead from a heart attack. I liked it cause it was just a senseless good time of bad guys dying and Stallone messing people up. 2.5 of 5 on the awesomeness scale

Movies to watch for


Holy Mother of Sweet Awesomness this movie has got me all kinds of excited. This is the first real big movie to set of the 2008 summer. It looks like it promises phenomenal special effects, whitty subtle humor (my favorite), and extreme action. Don't get me wrong though I have been fooled on this front before. WE all remember Spiderman 3, first movie of the summer last year, and what a waste of $8.50 that was. Piece of crap ... ANGER. Anyway, I will be at the midnight screening of this one, always the best way to watch it. I will repost with a review once i have seen it. Hope it doesnt suck.