Wednesday, April 23, 2008

New Games Coming Soon

Wii Fit
Release Date 05/21/08

Alright this looks freakin awesome. There are those out there who seem skeptical about the awesomeness of this product. Nintendo is finding ways to incorporate the whole body into the game play. It started by getting your arms and shoulders into the game and now it is getting you off the couch and on your feet. The Wii Balance Board is going to incorporate your whole body. Whether you are standing on the board forward and skiing, rotating it sideways and snowboarding, or placing your hands on the board and doing push-ups. The Wii board is coming up with more and more creative ways of getting you into the game. What Nintendo has lacked on graphics they have made up for in innovation and creative game play. The board looks like it will be phenomenal if it lives up to the reactive abilities that the Wii remote has demonstrated. Definitely a must buy, if you plan on getting it though, make sure you pre-order it if you want any chance of getting it.

Mario Kart Wii
Release Date 04/27/08

Nintendo has been able to release a Mario Kart game for each of their systems starting with the SNES. Each one has built on the last with creative game play, excellent graphics, and different controls. With this Wii game you receive the Wii Wheel. A literal steering wheel that you put the Wii Remote in and it reacts like a normal steering wheel. With this you are able to tip it back to do wheelies and tip it forward to do jumps and with certain buttons it’s easier to drift and skid. The success of the game will depend on the ability for the wheel to respond to the drivers movements quickly and correctly. Otherwise the player will just end u
p frustrated. With the Wii Remote, boxing is great if you take slow methodical punches. If you try any faster the controller sensors couldn’t keep up. This is one I will be saving my money for and hope that it doesn’t disappoint.

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